Monday 27 January 2014

Improve lifestyle

Imi aduc aminte in facultate ca am invatat despre analiza SWOT, mai multe detalii le puteti gasi aici.
Ce ziceti sa facem o analiza asemanatoare, dar in ceea ce priveste stilul de viata care s-ar numi SWED. Cele 4 puncte ale analizei sunt:

  • SLEEPING WELL: cate ore de somn am pe zi, dorm destul de bine, am ore fixe de somn
  • WORKING OUT: cate ore de sport fac pe zi, cat de des merg pe jos
  • EATING HEALTHY: cat de des mananc fructe si legume, am mese regulate si cat de sanatoase sunt
  • DRINKING WATER: cati litri de apa beau pe zi, este suficient pentru corpul meu

Acestea sunt doar cateva intrebari la care ar trebui sa ne raspundem pe parcursul zilei, numai asa ne putem imbunatati stilul de viata. Bineinteles, ca intrebarile difera de la un caz la altul.

Cred ca a face aceasta analiza este un exercitiu foarte bun, astfel ne putem da seama daca ducem un stil de viata echilibrat, daca mai avem nevoie de antrenament si cum putem sa ne atingem scopurile propuse in acest sens.

Astept comentariile voastre legate de analiza SWED, sper sa va fie de ajutor. :)

I remember in college I learned about SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
What do you say if we do a similar analysis of our lifestyle with other 4 points, named SWED:

  • SLEEPING WELL: do I sleep well, how many hours do I sleep per day
  • WORKING OUT: how many hours I found myself at gym, how often do I practice walking
  • EATING HEALTHY: it's my meal including fruits and vegetables, are my meals enough nutritious
  • DRINKING WATER: how many liters of water I drink per day, is this enough for my body

These are just a few questions we need to ask to ourselves during the day, so we can make an analysis of what needs to improve in our lifestyle. Of course, the questions can be customizer depending on each case.

I think it is a very good exercise to do, so we have to work out whether we have or not a balanced lifestyle, where do we need to practice more a and how we can achieve our goals.
Doing this is only a awareness that we forget about simple things that can improve our lifestyle.

Wait for your comments to see if this SWED analysis helped you or not and if it's improved your lifestyle!!!

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